
Support the Chinese New Year Fair

Join us in celebrating Chinese culture and community by becoming a sponsor

Sponsorship levels and benefits

Friendship Sponsors: $1000

  • Recognition on media such as Facebook, websites, flyers, newspapers

Community Sponsor: $2,500

  • Everything from Friendship Sponsor plus:
  • One 10 x 10 space at festival
  • Logo on House of China website for 3 months

Gold Sponsor: $4,500

  • Everything from Community Sponsor plus:
  • Two verbal recognitions during multi-day event program
  • One additional 10 x 10 space at festival

Title Sponsor: $7,500

  • Everything from Gold Sponsor plus:
  • Four total verbal recognitions during event multi-day event program
  • Logo on House of China website for 6 months
  • Speaking opportunity during festival – 2 – 5 minutes
  • Promotional material displayed in House of China for 3 months
  • Booth Tent, tables, and chairs provided for festival space
  • Additional promotional banner in Pan-American lawn

Need More Information?

If you have any questions about sponsorship opportunities or how your support can make a difference, we’re here to help. Reach out to us, and we’ll get back to you promptly.